Thursday, March 21, 2013

On the Matter of Young Children and Hunting

As we have stated before PAW is NOT against all hunting, just unneeded hunting. We see the true need for hunting certain animals that would other wise become far too populated (i.e deer) and potentially ruin the ecosystem. I wish that there were a way to not have to hunt those types of animals but the only alternative is hiring government officials to do it and that would not only cost us millions, but would just lead to a different type of blood bath. With that said...

As some "anti-wolf" lovers have stated, just because children are hunting doesn't necessarily mean that they will grow up to be killers. That is true. But what's also true is that most murderers start out killing animals at a young age. Will these children become murderers one day? Perhaps. Perhaps not. I do know that compared to other children who have never taken a life, held a gun, gutted a kill, sat happily on a dead body etc... these children (that have done those things) are more likely (statistically) to kill a human one day. Even if they find a way to do it legally- like joining thew army just to kill enemies, like many young men do.

All 'maybe's' and 'maybe not's aside one thing that is unarguably true is that these children are no longer innocent. At what ever age they were exposed to this "sport" is the age at which most if not all of their innocence has faded away into Oblivion. The definition of innocence is purity. Killing an animal for sport is anything but pure,especially smiling happily over the corpse weapons in hand. And as we all unfortunately know to be true, once something pure becomes tainted there's no going back. The people that exposed these children to this stole their innocence forever.

-Krys Smith, PAW: Protect America's Wolves

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